February 2022 - Cease Tax Residency

February 2022

Tax Non-Residency And Property In South Africa

Tax Non-Residency And Property In South Africa

TAX NON-RESIDENCY AND PROPERTY IN SOUTH AFRICA Tax Non-Residents can acquire and sell South African immovable property in South Africa as there are currently no restrictions prohibiting them from doing so. The only restriction is that illegal aliens may not own immovable property in South Africa. Lovemore NdlovuSARS and Exchange Control Specialist Martin BezuidenhoutExpatriate Tax

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You Are No Longer Residing In SA

You Are No Longer Residing In South Africa, But Did You Let SARS Know?

YOU ARE NO LONGER RESIDING IN SOUTH AFRICA, BUT DID YOU LET SARS KNOW? South Africans working abroad seldom follow the correct procedures when it comes to matters pertaining to tax. Most of the concerns originate from the uncertainties surrounding the ceasing of their tax residency, with many not even sure what the term really

You Are No Longer Residing In South Africa, But Did You Let SARS Know? Read More »