ctr-admin, Author at Cease Tax Residency - Page 11 of 11


SARS And National Treasury Have Gone Quiet On Expats. What's Brewing?

SARS And National Treasury Have Gone Quiet On Expats. What’s Brewing?

SARS AND NATIONAL TREASURY HAVE GONE QUIET ON EXPATS. WHAT’S BREWING? SARS Commissioner Edward Kieswetter introduced Natasha Singh as the first director of SARS’s new specialised segment targeting high net worth individuals. Singh’s appointment is considered as strategically essential in terms of ensuring compliance with affluent individuals who have complex financial arrangements. Victoria LancefieldGeneral Manager […]

SARS And National Treasury Have Gone Quiet On Expats. What’s Brewing? Read More »

Are Your Offshore Investment Structures Compliant With SARS?

Are Your Offshore Investment Structures Compliant With SARS?

ARE YOUR OFFSHORE INVESTMENT STRUCTURES COMPLIANT WITH SARS? SARS Commissioner Edward Kieswetter introduced Natasha Singh as the first director of SARS’s new specialised segment targeting high net worth individuals. Singh’s appointment is considered as strategically essential in terms of ensuring compliance with affluent individuals who have complex financial arrangements. Melanie BrowneSARS & Financial Emigration Specialist

Are Your Offshore Investment Structures Compliant With SARS? Read More »

Living The Zambian Dream

Living The Zambian Dream – South Africa Hasn’t Forgotten About You

LIVING THE ZAMBIAN DREAM SOUTH AFRICA HASN’T FORGOTTEN ABOUT YOU Many South Africans work and live in Zambia because it is a favourable mining, construction, and agricultural African destination. Some of these South Africans have either temporarily or permanently made the move to Zambia without following the correct emigration procedures to mitigate their tax exposure

Living The Zambian Dream – South Africa Hasn’t Forgotten About You Read More »

Is The Proposed Tax On Retirement Interests An “Exit Tax”?

Is The Proposed Tax On Retirement Interests An “Exit Tax”?

IS THE PROPOSED TAX ON RETIREMENT INTERESTS AN “EXIT TAX”? The most contentious proposal introduced by the 2021 Draft Tax Bills is arguably the tax on retirement interests when a person ceases tax residency. The proposed tax has widely been christened as a further “exit tax” imposed on South Africans leaving the country. However, based

Is The Proposed Tax On Retirement Interests An “Exit Tax”? Read More »

The Glitch In Our New Residency-Based System

The Glitch In Our New Residency-Based System

THE GLITCH IN OUR NEW RESIDENCY-BASED SYSTEM South Africa’s exchange control regime has relaxed considerably over the last few years, but the most recent amendments have created widespread confusion around the definition of non-residency for exchange control purposes. Sthembile MkhizeExpatriate Tax Specialist (LLB) READ MORE In particular: When is a person non-resident for exchange control

The Glitch In Our New Residency-Based System Read More »

Avoid Tax Wolves In Sheep's Clothing-6 Things To Look Out For

Avoid Tax Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing: 6 Things To Look Out For

AVOID TAX WOLVES IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING SIX THINGS TO LOOK OUT FOR Post-Covid economic resurgence saw an increase in international work opportunities. With skills in hand, many South African professionals have become sought-after in other countries. As a result, their finances and subsequent taxation have come under scrutiny. However, along with the awareness of tax

Avoid Tax Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing: 6 Things To Look Out For Read More »